This is a reception study of the communication process of the iron and steel workers, the ones affiliated in professional unions, with incomplete primary education, employees of a large automotive company in São Paulo. The theoretical basis of the research is the tradition of the founders of Cultural Studies and the approach of mediation proposed by Jesús Martín-Barbero. We chose this theoretical orientation because it enable the recovery of social criticism, the issue of culture in communication and the analysis of subjectivity.
The aim is to understand the reception of media from the mediation of the working world. It seeks to show how the mediations of the working world compose the universe of the reception of the iron and steel workers, which are the subjects of the research.
Theoretical and methodological aspects
The methodology of the research combine quantitative and qualitative research and Discourse Analysis. In the first phase, we applied a closed format questionnaire to 471 iron and steel workers, representing 10% of the factory floor workers, with incomplete primary education. The results gave rise to a map of cultural consumption divided by socioeconomic status and indicated the main reception mediation these workers have access. In the qualitative phase of research, we conducted exhaustive interviews, from structured scripts, with radomly chosen workers of the considered universe. It was a plain and casual sample, in which we considered the different socioeconomic levels. The report we obtained from each person was analysed from the perspective of Discourse Analysis.
The results confirm the importance of the work category for reception studies, and also show the working world and its diverse relationships that establishes there as privileged mediations, constituting a place to place and establish the worker identity.
Another result was the assessment of what the workers think about news. They understand it as a narrative with a beginning, middle and end, with characters and plot, almost like fictional structure. This concept is immediately referred to the concrete experiences of their lives.
Television is the favorite media and its reception takes place mediated by different discourses that circulate in the working world, especially by the Press Association and by the interpersonal relationships between colleagues and union representatives. This allows them to have a more critical view, because it is possible to confront different perspectives manifested by the union press and present in the working world with the manifests by other media, especially television.
Another important result is the realization that, due to interpersonal relationships, there is room in the working world for the constitution of identity, self-esteem of the worker.
Complete papers published in journals
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Recepção da comunicação no mundo do trabalho: uma crítica à ação comunicativa. Ciberlegenda – número 9, 2002, site da Univ.Fedral Fluminense, v. 1, n. 9, p. 1-19, 2002. http://www.uff.br/mestcii/roseli1.htm
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Estudo de Recepção: o mundo do trabalho como mediação da comunicação. Revista Novos Olhares, São Paulo, v. ano 3, n. 6, p. 38-51, 2002.
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Comunicação e a mediação com o trabalho.Debate Sindical, São Paulo, v. ano 15, n. 39, p. 33-335, 2001.
Published/organized boooks or editions
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Comunicação e trabalho – Estudo de recepção. O mundo do trabalho como mediação da comunicação. 1. ed. SÃO PAULO – SP: ANITA/FAPESP, 2001. v. 1. 330 p.
- Chapters in published books
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Sujeitos da comunicação no mundo do trabalho.In: Alberto Dines (Org.). A mídia e os dilemas da transparência. 1 ed. Brasília: Banco do Brasil, 2002, v. 1, p. 74-82.
Complete works in events
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Recepção da comunicação no mundo do trabalho: uma crítica à ação comunicativa. In: VI Congresso Latino-americano de Investigadores da Comunicação, 2002, Santiago – Chile. CD-ROM das atas do VI congresso Latino-Americano de Investigadores da Comunicação. Santiago: Associação Latino Americana de Investigadores da Comunicação – Alaic, 2002.
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Recepção da comunicação no mundo do trabalho: uma crítica à ação comunicativa. In: XXV Congresso Intercom, 2002, Salvador – Bahia. CD-ROM do XXV Congresso da Intercom. Salvador: Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinas da Comunicação, 2002. v. 1.
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Comunicação, mundo do trabalho e subjetividade. In: XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação, 2001, Campo Grande. livro Programa do Congresso, 2001.
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. La centralité de la catégorie du travail par rapport (refléchir) au champ de la communication. In: Au VIème Congrès Franco-Brésilien SFSIC-INTERCOM, 2001, Poitiers, 2001.
Abstract of works in events
- PAULINO, R. A. Figaro. Comunicação e trabalho, os receptores dos meios de comunicação. In: VII Seminário de Comunicação do Banco do Brasil, 2001, São Paulo. Programa do VII Seminário de Comunicação do Banco do Brasil, 2001.